
Friday, November 2, 2012

Put Your Hitting Wall To Work

Our big brown hitting wall
Just subscribed CAtennis to my Google Reader and am already reaping nice results. Suggest you check it out also. Today's golden nugget is a fun idea for those clubs who have hitting walls or back boards. In addition to encouraging your students to use them as a warm-up or practice tool, how about building an event around hitting wall activities? The blog entry at CAtennis lists ten different hitting wall activities, including:

  • the 5 minute challenge - how many rallies can you get in 5 minutes? We are already doing this on an ongoing basis. Results are posted on our Facebook page. Think of it as the hitting wall version of a ladder. 
  • Ping pong tennis (two players alternating shots)
  • Wipeout - group of players hitting relay style, player who misses is out
  • Target practice - get out the 3M painter's tape!
Put your underutilized hitting wall to work to keep players busy while they wait to play in your tournament. Or, make the hitting wall the star of your next event!

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