
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Short and Deep

This game is from a PTR Kids Tennis manual, where it is called This & That. But I just couldn't see the connection between the name and the activity so I am simplifying things. This activity improves focus and the player's ability to judge where an oncoming ball will land. Works for all ages.

Coach or another player feeds ball across net. Other players are across net, ideally in a receiving position. They take turns calling out 'Short' or 'Deep' to predict where the ball will bounce. Any ball landing between the net and the service line is a 'Short' ball. Any ball landing between the service line and the baseline is a 'Deep' ball. Points are earned for each correct call. This game can easily be converted to a team activity.

Easiest: No rallies. Receiving players catch ball.
Harder: Players self-feed and play out the point, calling out 'Short' or 'Deep' for each ball as they play.

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